2017 winner: Direct Line, building marketing capabilities, case study

2017 winner: Direct Line

In 2013, Direct Line Group became a stand-alone company, Having started its disinvestment from the Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) through an initial public offering (IPO) in October 2012.

However, fulfilling the Executive team’s growth ambitions for the new business was going to be tricky. Despite managing several established household brands, such as Direct Line and Churchill, the business was suffering from a year-on-year decline in revenue. Furthermore, after years in RBS’s shadow, the marketing team had lost its way. Morale, motivation and engagement scores were at an all-time low. And the confidence and creativity that had enabled the brand to disrupt the insurance market 20 years previously had all but disappeared.

To re-energise the marketing team and reverse the downward spiral, fundamental changes needed to be made.

Against all odds, we succeeded. Engagement scores went from being the lowest in the business to the best on record. The marketing team’s performance rocketed and they produced some of the most successful integrated marketing campaigns of the entire insurance sector. This in turn boosted GWP and reversed the revenue decline a year ahead of target.

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