Inspiring Minds with Thomas Barta

Inspiring Minds with Thomas Barta

I was delighted when the Marketing Society got in touch to ask if Whitespace would host the first event in the 2019 Inspiring Minds series with Thomas Barta.

Having gained extensive insight from conducting the largest research study of over 8,600 leaders worldwide, I was eager to hear him share his thoughts on how I could become a braver marketing leader! 

Marketing a creative agency is surprisingly challenging but I’m lucky enough to have a team of talented people to lead and Thomas opened the event by reminding us that great marketers are great change leaders.  A good marketer will have a broad skill set but a successful marketing leader is one that can create long term value by increasing the overlap between the needs of their customers, and their company.  

With over 80 people in attendance, I was intrigued as to how Thomas was going to make the session interactive.  The first question he posed really made me think - it’s not often you get asked to reflect on how much power you have in your organisation.  But that’s the great thing about these events, the time you get away from your desk to think about how you can make a difference in your role. Thomas went on to break down the 12 Powers of a Marketing Leader into practical steps in which we were prompted to think about how we would mobilize our boss, our colleagues, our team and finally ourselves.  

Do your marketing priorities align with those of your boss as that’s essential to your success.  If you’re closely aligned you’ll find the support will be there at the top.  Thomas really made me think when he challenged us to write down how much our work was worth in 1 - 2 and 5 years.  I found this tough, especially sat beside my boss!  But one of the key learnings I think I’ll take away from the event was around placing financial returns at the heart of every conversation - what do you believe your marketing will generate?  Be clear on the return in investment and side with the revenue camp to gain respect.  

It is also important to mobilize your colleagues - start a movement and get people involved - find your first follower and the rest will come.  You need to engage people in your organisation to make things happen - nothing will happen if you simply sit at your desk all day.  

I’ve always been a firm believer in surrounding yourself with the best team you can find.  It’s something I feel proud of working with some amazingly talented Whitespacers in the marketing team.    Thomas chatted about the importance of mobilizing your team and building a ‘powerful tribe’, aligning them around a common goal.    

And as a successful marketing leader you need to be prepared to mobilize yourself - know your stuff and inspire others.  It’s likely you’ll have dreams to make big things happen - that’s great, hang on to them and know that people will be inspired to help you.  

I found the event hugely insightful and I’m looking forward to getting stuck into Thomas’s book - The 12 Powers of a Marketing Leader and I’ve already signed up for daily tips from his

Another fantastic event, thanks Thomas and the Marketing Society.  



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