St Andrew's Day Dinner: Interview with Robin Wight

Interview with Robin Wight

Ahead of his appearance at this year's St Andrew's Day Dinner we caught up with Robin Wight, President of both Engine and WCRS.

The best advice I ever got was from my father "Time Spent on Reconnaissance is Seldom Wasted".

The worst advice I ever got I never listen to bad advice!

Don't underestimate the wisdom of a client.

My golden rule is to believe every problem is an opportunity in disguise.

My biggest influence was Bill Bernbach- the founder of modern advertising.

The app I use the most is 'My Bus Checker'.

The smartest business idea I’ve ever had was inventing the concept for a "wire-free" future for Orange in 1994, the pre-curser to Wi-Fi.

My favourite album and why? Leonard Cohen 'The Chelsea Hotel No. 2' as it gave me ideas.

The leader I most admire and why? Winston Churchill and his bulldog tenacity.

What I am reading and book(s) I would highly recommend  Boris Johnson's 'The Churchill Factor" - the most interesting thing to put in your Xmas stocking; the 'Age of Wonder' by Richard Holmes – the 18th century scientists whose inventions shaped the modern world, and "Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahnman – every Marketeer should read this to understand how consumers' brains really work!

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