Source: Barclays Awards Entry

2022 TMS Awards Commended, Barclays

Marketing That Made Money Work For The Nation

Barclays changed the role of marketing to actively try and fix the nation’s dysfunctional relationship with money. In doing so we broke away from category norms of passive support and also broke away in marketing effectiveness to become market leader.

In 2020 Barclays faced a significant challenge. Our business recovery post-Financial Crash and post-Libor scandal had stalled. We were struggling to differentiate from our competitors. And worse, UK consumers were distrustful of banks and generally tired and stressed when it came to all things money.

We decided to tackle the UK’s dysfunctional relationship with money head on. Our promise to “Make Money Work For You” flipped the script on the traditional power dynamic people have with money and their bank. Through two huge national campaigns over two years we helped our audience to first seize control of their relationship with money (Bossing Money) and then to build a personal world of money that revolved around their needs (The Moneyverse).

Our message of personal money empowerment wasn’t just hot air. We backed up our...

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