
Understanding your values

Why you needn't reinvent the wheel for the road to recovery

Why you needn't reinvent the wheel for the road to recovery, says On the One's founder, Rob Mathie

​Whether you’re a startup CEO, boutique independent agency or a one-person show, striking out on your own gives you the unique chance to translate your values to a blank canvas.

We started On the One in 2018 when a client did the unthinkable – gave us to the chance to start an agency with a founding partner and a chance to translate the purpose-led marketing we were doing into the blueprint for a new kind of agency. Within a year we’d picked up another client, had some key award wins… but what happens when the business you’re working on changes course and your values misalign? Is it time to set sail for unchartered waters or be taken where the wind is blowing?

Purpose and profit often make for uneasy bedfellows,

and we’ve always believed that the good brands can do is only relative to the people driving that agenda. However, in the space of a few months...

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