Marina Maciver

Team Leader - Campaigns, Marketing & Enagement, Scottish Enterprise

Marina has a BA (hons) Business Studies from Napier, before specialising in marketing with an MSc. Her early career took her into financial services and manufacturing with Michelin Tyre before joining Scottish Enterprise.

At Scottish Enterprise Marina has worked as brand manager for Business Gateway, and Scottish Development International in Asia.  She then moved out of marketing to work in a number of business areas including our International Networks, policy development and heading up a team to deliver our work across 2014 on the Commonwealth Games and the Ryder Cup.

The lure of marketing was too great, and Marina re-joined the team around 5 years ago, heading up a team of brilliant marketers who deliver campaigns and analytics across SE's domestic and international businesses, and collaborating on Scotland is Now.

We all know that going green is good for the world, but what are the implications for business?

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VIRTUAL: Ahead of the 2021 United Nations climate change conference, October's Global Conversation will focus on Sustainability.
Whilst most of the festivals due to take place in Edinburgh this August have sadly been cancelled we are delighted