What works where in B2B?

What Works Where 2016

This year we canvassed the views of over 100 senior marketers and HR professionals from some of the world’s most influential B2B organisations. The findings / insights uncovered some painful truths and serious questions for businesses and the teams charged with upholding the voice of their brand.

Digital has changed the way that organisations communicate and HR is now the 2nd most powerful voice in the organisation. What implications does this have for those working on both sides of the brand? – from external to internal and how can people work more effectively in collaboration to gain the huge benefits to be had from having an integrated brand proposition?

In conjunction with Winmark Global, we have canvassed the views of over 100 senior marketers and HR professionals from some of the world’s most influential B2B organisations.

Their insights uncover painful truths and serious questions that professionals on both sides need to urgently respond to, if they are to ensure that their organisations thrive and their teams maintain relevance.

Enter your details to download this years report: Download report.