Q&A with Debbi Mclean

Q&A with Debbi Mclean

After 14 years leading design and innovation teams within Financial Services, Debbi joined Deloitte Digital in 2017 to develop and build a Scottish Practice. Working across sector, she helps their clients understand how they can adapt and develop their business to take advantage of new technology with a relentless focus on the people.

We caught up with Debbie ahead of her appearance at Industry Insights with Deloittle Digital on June 7. Book your tickets here.

You started with Deloitte Digital last year after more than 14 years in financial services. How’s your first year agency side been? 

It has been hectic to say the least, but all of our own making. From getting out and about across Scotland and the North East to meet clients and getting stuck into some great events locally, I have been welcomed warmly into what seems to be a very close knit and well connected Edinburgh agency community, so really enjoying it so far.

Talk us through your role at Deloitte. 

We are fantastically lucky to be part of the bigger Deloitte business here in Scotland, who are quickly starting to learn what we can offer. Nearly every day we are being approached to see how we can help our clients across an incredible range of industries and sectors. As well as helping to shape the future of our practice, I am working on growing our team, where we have tripled in size since I started and getting out there to shout about all the work we are doing.

How do you ensure that you’re in the loop with digital developments?

We are exposed to loads of great work here at DD but I am also slightly addicted to Linkedin… it’s a great source of views and opinions about the issues affecting our world. 

What brands are you most impressed by at the moment? Any campaigns which have particularly caught your eye?

I think I am oblivious to campaigns these days, it’s all about brand experience for me. How brands interact with me is far more powerful than any campaign, or how do brands connect beyond product with the people who love them, like innocent for example.

There’s often a divide between the business side and the creative side. What’s the vibe like in the Deloitte Digital offices?

I don’t see a divide in DD, in fact quite the opposite but then we are all a bit Poly and work both creatively and within the business side. The vibe in London is definitely that of a big agency, our Buckley office is a great place to be. The Edinburgh office is more compact & bijou at the moment, and has its own vibe. It’s a great place to work, but in a different way. The opportunity to be part of something new and exciting in DD Scotland is a real motivator. 

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