
A Year in TV 2018-19

A Year in TV 2018-19

TV viewing is changing. You know this; you watch it differently from how you used to. You probably enjoy it even more too. Viewers have never had it so good. And you know that change brings challenges of course. As some live TV viewing is redistributed into on demand, broadcasters and advertisers are adapting. You are likely adapting too.

But, amidst the change, let’s not lose sight of the facts – TV advertising accounts for 94.6% of the video advertising people actually see and 71% of the profit generated by advertising, according to Ebiquity and Gain Theory.

Nonetheless, we must do things differently to make the most of the world’s most effective advertising.  We need to have a total TV approach.

Live TV continues to fulfil crucial roles in our viewing life – see MTM’s ‘Age of Television’ research on page 18 – but as viewing patterns change, it is fundamental that advertisers use Broadcaster VOD hand in hand with linear TV advertising.

Download the full PDF from the Thinkbox website.


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