Giles Lury

Giles Lury is a leading branding consultant and an executive at The Value Engineers. He is the author of How Coca-Cola Took Over the World and The Prisoner and the Penguin.

Giles Lury spoke to best-selling author Cole Nussbaumer Knaflic about her new book “Storytelling with you: plan, create, and deliver
The Marketing Society Global Conference has always provided the time and stimulus to encourage guests to consider things old and
Onlife fashion, 10 rules for the future of high-end fashion by Giuseppe Stigliano, Philip Kotler and Riccardo Pozzoli and reviewed
Cutting through the growing noise to present clear information on the signals shaping our future. With more than a nod
Giles Lury reviews “Tiny Noticeable Things – the secret weapon in making a difference in business” by Adrian Webster

Returning for a session with our Singapore members, The Value Engineers' Giles Lury and Katy Mousinho discuss insight from their