Inspiring Minds

Inspiring Minds: Good Weird with Amy Kean| Scotland

Edrington, 18 September, 9:30am to 12:30pm


Inspiring Minds: Good Weird with Amy Kean, 18th September, Glasgow 


Join us for the second in our Inspiring Minds series on Wednesday 18 September!

Amy Kean - bestselling author, poet, university lecturer and award-winning advertising strategist - has a hypothesis. She believes that if we all allowed ourselves to be the weird we naturally are, the happier and more creative we’d all be. 

This session will bring out the weirdest version of people, with wonderful results. It includes:

  • The morality of normality
  • The science of weirdness
  • The power of masking
  • Inspiration from Outsider Art
  • Embracing embarrassment

The event will take place from 9.30am - 12.30pm at the Edrington offices in Glasgow. 

Amy is a creative sociologist, advertising strategist, poet and bestselling author who believes that life would be much better if we all gave ourselves permission to be stranger. She's worked in communications all over the world for the last 17 years as head of strategy/creativity/innovation. She was named one of LinkedIn's top global voices in media and marketing, and listed as one of Campaign's 10 trailblazers for her diversity work as co-founder of DICE, which stands for Diversity and Inclusion at Conferences and Events.

She’s Cultures Editor for creative magazine shots, author of the #1 bestselling feminist fairy tale The Little Girl Who Gave Zero F*cks, and her second book, House of Weeds, came out in May 2020 with Fly on the Wall Press.

Previous sessions have covered The Good Idea,The Good Word and The Good Shout. They are aimed at First Role, Future Leaders and Leaders with up to 7 years experience and free to members.



Amy Charlotte Kean

Co-founder, creative director and lead facilitator, Good Shout Community


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